3 Komen


A young man went to the Airport,,

He was planning,,

to travel on that day!

Airport security,,

stopped him and asked:

Airport Security Playmobil by nedrichards.

What is your Name?
Cancun Airport Security Notices by www.britsincancun.com.

Traveler: Batman!

Airport security:

I mean Your,,

Real Name Please!!

Traveler: Batman!

Airport security:

You Think You are funny??!


Traveler: Batman!

Airport security: OK.

Your Family Name?

LEGO Batman Minifigures by Archangeli.

Traveler: Superman!

Airport security went mad!

Then decided to take him,,

to the detention room....

!!For further investigation

Until they saw,,
shocked2.jpg shocked image by tracyyoungtv

His passport!!

















Thanks to Brother Mirgani..

Pengajaran: Berilah anak anda nama yang elok. Janganlah disebabkan nama, dia disindir atau dibuli. :)
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